
Puteti sa imi traduceti si mie corect aceasta compunere?
In vacanta de iarna eu m-am simtit foarte bine. In vacanta am fost la filmul 5 Gang. Am fost si la Bucuresti de mai multe ori, unde mi-am vizitat unchii si matusile. De craciun am primit o tastatura si jocul GTA 5 pentru PS4. Anul acesta am avut o vacanta de iarna foarte frumoasa!

Răspuns :

In the winter break, I was feeling good. In the winter break, I was at the 5gang movie. I was in Bucharest many times where I visited my uncles and aunts. For Christams, I got a keyboard and the game GTA5 for PS4. This year's winter break it was very beautiful.

I felt really good during the winter break. During the break I went to see the % Gang movie. I went to Bucharest as well multiple times where I visited my uncles and aunts. On Christmas I got a keyboard and the game GTA 5 for PS4. This year I had very beautiful winter break.