
4. Read the information in the box, then translate sentences e inte
Con informatiile din casta, apoi traduceti in limba engleză propozitiile
We use Past Perfect Continuous to say how long something had been
happening before something else happened.
1 c..: He had been smoking for ten years when he finally gave up.
a. Ploua de două ore când am plecat eu de acasă.
b. Ea il astepta de zece minute când el a sosit.
e. Ei locuiau în Southampton de cinci ani când s-au hotărât să se mute la
d. Mecanicul era epuizat pentru că lucra de mai bine de trei ore.
e. Era miezul noptii şi copiii se uitau la televizor de două ore.
5. Read the information in the box, then answer the questions using the
prompts in brackets.
Citiți informațiile din casetă, apoi răspundeţi la întrebări folosind cuvintele
dintre paranteze.​

Răspuns :

A. It had been raining for two hours when I left home. B. She had been waiting for him for ten minutes when he arrived. E. They had been living in Southampton when they decided to move to London. D. The mechanic was exhausted as he had been working for three hours. E. It was midnight and the children had been watching TV for two hours.