
scrieti aceasta compunere in limba engleza.
Vata trecuta eu cu familia mea am decis sa mergem la Brașov.
Ne-am facut bagajele apoi am pornit la drum.
Drumul era foarte lung asa ca am decis sa citesc o carte.
Mai pe la jumatatea drumului, masina s-a oprit brusc.
Eu speriata nu stiam ce s-a intamplat, dar mi-a spus mama ii s-a oprit motorul mașinei.
Tata a reparat-o, si am ajuns cu bine la Brosov.​

Răspuns :

Last summer I and my family decided to go to Brașov.

We packed pur bags and started on the road.

The road was very long so I decided to read a book.

Halfway, the car stopped abruptly.

I was scared I didn't know what happened, but my mother told me the engine stopped.

My father repaired it, and I arrived in Brasov well.