
istoria cartofilor în engleza​

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Potato history in Europe begins after 1530 when the Spanish discovered the potato in Peru and introduced it to Spain and southern European countries around 1540. Forty years later, the English admiral Raleigh introduced him to the British Isles and Countries. from the bottom. At that time, potato was considered toxic to humans because it was considered to cause leprosy and was used only for feeding cattle.

Researcher Tjomsland in 1956 said that this plant arrived in Europe through the gardens of medicinal plants. According to the writings of Count Berchtol (1842), the potato was first mentioned by the Spanish monk Roman Pane, who was left as a missionary on the second voyage of Christopher Columbus to America in 1496. Peter Martyr d'Anghiera, based on Roman accounts Bread, the memory of potato in his letters of 1511.

Under the name papas, the potato was further described by Dezarte, Pedro Cieza de León, Francisco López de Gómara and José de Acosta [2] in the same year - in 1544.

There is no document that exactly dates the appearance of the potato on the coasts of Spain. It is possible, according to Saffort [3], that the potato tubers were in the kitchen of a ship in the fleet of Carol Quintul that transported gold and silver from the Potosis mines.

Hamilton, in 1934, discovers in the accounting records of the Hospital de Sangre in Seville that before 1573 the potato was bought for food and as a medicine [4]. Before 1584 only 0.5 kg of potatoes were purchased for this hospital, but later the quantity increased to 25 kg. If the plant was to be propagated first, the potato may be introduced in Spain somewhere around 1569. At first the potato was not widespread. In 1653, Bernabé Cobo publishes the work Historia del Nuevo Mundo. From this book, in 1915, Jiménez De La Espada cites a letter from Diego Dávilla Briceños (who has been in Peru for 45 years) who said that if we cultivated the potato in Spain as in Peru, then we it would be of great use in the years when he is hungry.

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