
Complete the following sentences with make or do.
1.Mary never..........noise.
2.Sam ...........very delicious cakes.
3.We ...........shopping at MallDova.
4.My mother ...........the project translation for the last conference .
5.Jenny will ask me to ............her a favor ,I am sure of it.
6.Kate ........all the work in the house .
7.I........some cofee now!
8.They don"t ..............their job very thoughly !
9.You..........quite well ,aren"t you ?
10.Robert ..........cleaning every Saturday.

Răspuns :

    Hi there!

Cerinta: Complete the following sentences with make or do.

Completeaza urmatoarele propozitii cu "make" sau "do"

1.Mary never makes noise.

2.Sam makes very delicious cakes.

3.We do shopping at MallDova.

4.My mother did the project translation for the last conference .

5.Jenny will ask me to do her a favor ,I am sure of it.

6.Kate does all the work in the house .

7.I am making some cofee now!

8.They don`t do their job very thoroughly !

9.You do quite well ,aren`t you ?

10.Robert does the cleaning every Saturday.


Atât “to do” cât şi “to make” se traduc prin “a face”.

DO – se foloseşte pentru activităţi neprecizate.

   Don’t just sit there. Do something! = Nu sta degeaba. Fă ceva!

    “Do” se mai foloseşte în expresii ca:

     to do an exercise = a face un exerciţiu

     to do the housework = a face treburi gospodăreşti

     to do some homework = a face teme

     to do research = a face muncă de cercetare

Make – se foloseşte când este vorba despre o activitate de creaţie sau de construcţie.

   My mother is making a cake.

   Mama face o prajitura.

   “Make” se mai foloseşte şi în unele expresii care nu implică  propriu- zis ideea de creaţie ci doar de a face ceva.

    to make the bed = a face patul

    to make a choice = a face o alegere, a alege

    to make an effort = a face un effort

   to make a fuss= a face tărăboi (scandal)

    to make a decision = a decide, a lua o hotărâre

    I made my mind = Mi-am făcut o hotărâre (în minte)

    to make an offert = a face o ofertă

    to make plans = a face planuri, a plănui

    to make a mistake = a face o greşeală, a greşi

    to make a noise = a face un zgomot

    to make progress = a face un progres

    to make a suggestion = a face o sugestie