
Written Production. In 120-150 write about the most precious object you have. Write how you received this object, describe it, and explain why it is important to you.

Răspuns :

Hi there!

Cerinta: In 120-150 de cuvinte scrie despre cel mai pretios obiect pe care il ai. Scrie cum l-ai primit, descrie-l si explica de ce este important pentru tine.


Grandparents are God's gifts to children, every child who still has his grandparents alive should be the happiest child in the world. The most precious object I have is a “Fairy Tales” book I received from my grandmother on my 6th birthday. I couldn`t read then, so, during long winter days or rainy afternoons she used to read all those wonderful tales in a  soft voice that I still remember very clearly. We changed roles when I was able to read, she was listening very attentively as if she had never heard those stories before. This book reminds me of my childhood, when I open it, I get very emotional, I close my eyes and I can even sense the candy apples smell in my grandma`s cozy room. It is like therapy for me and it always makes me fell better.  When I`m sad or I cannot figure out how to solve a problem, I take the book, I read a tale, her voice and gentle face come into my soul and I know that everything will be just fine. The book had better days, now its covers are torn, but it is full of sweet memories, one day I even noticed a jam mark on one of the pages and I spontaneously missed autumn.I couldn`t spare it  for anything in the world.


Bunicii sunt darurile lui Dumnezeu pentru copii, fiecare copil care isi are bunicii inca in viata ar trebui sa fie cel mai fericit din lume. Cel mai pretios obiect pe care il am este o carte cu povesti pe care am primit-o de la bunica mea cand am implinit 6 ani. Nu stiam sa citesc pe atunci, asa ca, in timpul lungilor zile de iarna sau in dupa-amiezile ploioase ea obisnuia sa-mi citeasca toate povestile acelea minunate cu o voce calda pe care inca mi-o amintesc foarte clar. Cand am invatat sa citesc am schimbat rolurile iar ea ma asculta cu atentie ca si cand nu mai auzise niciodata acele povesti. Aceasta carte imi aminteste de copilarie, cand o deschid devin foarte emotionata, inchid ochii si chiar pot simti mirosul de mere coapte din camera bunicii. Este ca o terapie pentru mine si intotdeauna ma face sa ma simt mai bine. Cand sunt trista sau nu reusesc sa dau de capat unei probleme, iau cartea, citesc o poveste , chipul si vocea blanda a buncii imi vin in suflet si atunci stiu ca totul va fi bine. Cartea a avut si zile mai bune, acum coprtile sunt rupte dar este plina de amintiri “dulci”, intr-o zi chiar am vazut o urma de dulceata pe una dintre pagini si dintr-o data mi s-a facut dor de toamna.  Nu m-as putea lipsi de ea pentru nimic in lume.

Good Luck!