
Alegeți conjuncțiile de timp corecte în propozițiile de mai jos.

1. As / Until I opened the door, she rushed to kiss me.

2. I phoned the police as soon as/before I heard the alarm.

3. As / Till I was preparing to go to sleep, the phone rang.

4. I went to take a long walk while / when I finished the book.

5. When / While he comes by, give him my message.

6. She won’t believe it… after / until she has seen it with her own eyes.

7. Do you need to add anything after / before I make my decision?

8. You won’t forget to feed the cat as soon as / while I’m on holiday, will you?

9. I will keep playing before / until I win the game.

10. My father worked in a corporation when / till he retired.