
Present simple vs present continous progresive

Răspuns :

Presentul simplu este mai simplu decat cel continuu

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Folosim prezent simplu cand vorbim despre routine, obiceiuri fixe

Folosim prezent continuu când vorbim de lucruri care se intampla pe moment dar sunt aproape sa se termine.

(present simple ) I play tennis.

(present continuous / progressive) I am playing tennis.

(present simple) ‘I play tennis’ tells us that playing tennis is something the speaker always does. It is part of a routine or habit. We can call this a permanent situation.

(present continuous/ progressive) ‘I am playing tennis’ tells us that the speaker is playing tennis right now. Soon the game will be over. We call this a temporary situation.

Cu prezent simplu spunem:

I play tennis

You play tennis

We play tennis

They play tennis

He/she/ it plays tennis.

Cu prezent continuu spunem:

I am playing tennis

You are playing tennis

We are playing tennis

He/she/it is playing tennis