Mă poate ajuta cineva ?Tot cu tradus in limba romana?Daca se poate ??

1. Heat the oven to 180 C. (Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 de grade )
2. Slice the mushrooms, then ( feliaza ciupercile , apoi)
3. peel the onion ( descojeste ceapa )
4. and chop it into small pieces ( si toac-o in bucati mici)
5. Lightly fry the mushrooms and onion in the olive oil in a pan . (usor prajeste ciupericile si ceapa in uleiul de masline intr-o tigaie)
6. beat the eggs , milk and the herbs togheter and then add salt and pepper. ( bate ouale cu laptele si ierburi impreuna si apoi adauga sare si piper.
7. pour the mixture into a baking dish and add the vegetables ( toarna amestecul intr-un vas de copt si adauga legumele)
8. bake for 30 minutes until the omelette is golden brown ( pune la copt pentru 30 de minute pana cand omleta este maro auriu)