
Fill in the blanks with can, could, can't couldn't:
1. Before I came to this country I_____ do many things in English. For example, I_____ follow a conversation if too many people were talking at the same time. I_____ express what I wanted to say. I _____ pronounce words properly, I remember one occasion at a party, I_____ understand a word. I felt so uncomfortable. Finally, my aunt came to pick me up, and I was able to leave the party.
2. Today I_____ understand much better. I_____ express my opinions and I_____ have a conversation in English. I am taking classes at the adult center. My teacher is very good. She_____ explain things well, and she always gives us the chamce to talk a lot in class. I_____ do a lot now, and I think in a few more months I_____ do even more. I_____ wait until the day I am completelu bilingual.​