
alcatuiti un text de 5 propozitii in care sa fie verbul (be) de dorit ca propozitiile
sa fie si traducerea DAU COROANA!!!!

Răspuns :

One day, two friends, Anna and Maya decided to to go in the park. There were a lot of children who were playing at the playground. There, Anna and Maya saw their friend, Daniel. The tree frends were having fun together, playing basketball or eating icecream while having a walk. It was a grate day!

Scuze daca am mai multe greseli gramaticale, soer sa fie bun. L-am facut la trecut fiindca asa mi-a fost mai usor.


Intr-o zi, doua prietene, Ana si Maya au decis sa mearga in parc. Erau multi copii care se jucau la locul de joaca. Acolo, Ana si Maya l-au vazut pe prietenul lor,Daniel. Cei trei s-au distrat jucand basketball sau mancand inghetata in timp ce se plimbau. A fost o zi minunata!