
7 Match each animal from the list with the
animal group it belongs to. Some animals can
be used more than once.
Groups: herbivores, insects, mammals,
cats, reptiles, fish, birds, carnivores,
omnivores, amphibians
crocodile, lion, tiger, bear, hawk, frog,
goldfish, panther, wolf, monkey, snake,
sparrow, wasp, whale, lizard, fly, jaguar,
tortoise, pigeon, cow, fox, beetle, eagle,
puma, squirrel, goat, sheep, salmon
..my feelings.
in the battle.
Cill in the one with anotheimolata​

Răspuns :

herbivores cow, goat sheep

insects=wasp fly beetle

mammals = monkey ,whale cats

birds= kawk sparrow pigeon

reptiles = Crocodile snake lizard tortoise

fish- goldfish, salmon

carnivores =lion tiger, bear , panter wolf jaguar puma

omnivores =fox squirrel

amphibians = = frog