
Scrie un email unui prieten vorbitor de limba engleza din alta țara. Descrie-i rezoluțiile tale pentru acest nou an scolar ( P.S. sunt clasa a 12-a ) Include in email urmatoarele subiecte :
- obiceiurile proaste pe care vrei sa le schimbi
- materiile noi pe care le înveți
- activitățile pe care vrei sau nu sa le faci
- de ce vrei sa faci asta.​

Răspuns :

Hi Eric What do you like about your new school year? hello nick yes I like it but now we are not allowed to play football because the lady said we can get the new virus and I would like to play football and I would like to change the math classes because now he does math between 8-10 before we did between 12-14 and this year we have new subjects for example chemistry to chemistry what activities do you want not to do? I would like not to draw and instead of drawing to do sports because it helps us have energy and strengthen our bones. well nick we hear you on the weekend goodbye