
1 Certain verbs make narratives sound more
dramatic. Find these words in a dictionary
and write down:
1 what they mean
2 their past simple and past participle forms.
smash rage dive flee strike
demolish grab scream​

Răspuns :


1. the meaning of the verbs (sensul verbelor)

  • smash = a lovi, a sfărâma, a sparge
  • rage = a turba, a înfuria
  • dive = a scufunda, a plonja, a cufunda
  • flee = a evada, a o lua la sănătoasa
  • strike = a lovi, a bate
  • demolish = a demola, a distruge, a dărâma
  • grab = a apuca, a captura
  • scream = a țipa, a striga

2. past simple and past participle forms of the verbs above (formele de past simple și past participle ale verbelor de mai sus)

Infinitive - Past Simple - Past Participle

  • to smash - smashed - smashed
  • to rage - raged - raged
  • to dive - dove/dived - dived
  • to flee - fled - fled
  • to strike - struck - struck/stricken
  • to demolish - demolished - demolished
  • to grab - grabbed - grabbed
  • to scream - screamed - screamed



- din lecția The Great Fire of London (Manualul „Student's Book and Workout”, autori: Herbert Puchita, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones, Ed. Cambridge University Press)
