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The first telephone

In the 1870s Bell started to develop a
machine to transmit the human voice
over distance. The result? The telephone.
The first phone call was to his assistant,
Thomas Watson, on 10th March 1876. The
first words? 'Watson. Come here. I want
to see you.' The Bell Telephone Company
began in 1877 and by 1886 over 150,000
people in America had phones.


There are approximately 1.27 billion landline phones
in the world and 4 billion mobile phones - over 60% of the
world's population owns a mobile phone. In the UK 85% of
people have a mobile phone, but in the USA it's only 49%.​

Răspuns :


Primul telefon

In 1879 Bell a inceput sa creeze o masina care sa transmita vocea umana de la distanta. Rezultatul? Telefonul. Primul apel telefonic a fost cu asistentul sau Thomas Watson pe 10 martie 1876. Primele cuvinte? " Watson. Vino aici. Vreau sa te vad". Compania de telfoane ale lui Bell a inceput in 1877 iar din 1886 circa 150,000 de oameni din America aveau telefoane.


Sunt aproximativ 1.27 bilione de telefoane cu fir in lume si 4 bilioane telefoane mobile- circa 60% din populatia pamantului are un telefon mobil. In UK 85% de oameni au telefoane mobile, dar in USA doar 49%