
1. Iti scriu de la hotelul RASARIT DE SOARE, din salonic 2. Sunt aici impreuna cu familia si pritenii mei.
3. Hotelul si plaja apartin matusii mele Patricia.
4. Ea este proprietarul.
5. Noi ne petrecem fiecare vacanta de vara aici. Stam 2 saptamani.
6. Camerele sunt mari, luminoase. si foarte moderne.
7. Sunt convinsa ca toata lumea se simte foarte bine aici.
8. Noi luam micul dejun la hotel si apoi mergem la plaja in fiecare dimineata.
9. Stam acolo pana la pranz. 10. Ne petrecem timpul facand plaja, inotand si jucandu-ne cu nisip si cu mingea.
11. La pranz, mancam la un restaurant pe plaja. Ne place sa privim marea in timp ce mancam.
12. Astazi e vreme rea. Cerul este innorat. Cred ca va ploua.
13. De accea, azi nu mergem la plaja.
14. Urasc vremea asta!
15. In acest moment, prietenii mei joaca carti.
16. Azi mancam la restaurantul de la hotel 17. Tu te distrezi bine acasa?
18. Scrie-mi curand si da-mi toate vestile tale. ​

Răspuns :


1. I'm writing to you from Sunrise hotel in Salonic.

2. I'm here with my family and friends.

3. The hotel and the beach are owned by my aunt Patricia.

4. She is the owner.

5. We spend every summer holiday here. We stay there for 2 weeks.

6. The rooms are large, bright and very modern.

7. I'm certain that everyone will have a good time here.

8. We eat breakfast at the hotel and then we go to the beach every morning.

9. We stay there until noon.

10. We spend our time tanning, swimming and playing with the sand and the ball.

11. At noon, we eat lunch at a restauramnt on the beach. We like to admire the beach while we eat.

12. Today the weather is bad. Tge sky is cloudy. I think it's going to rain.

13. Because of that, today we are not going to the beach.

14. I hate this weather!

15. Right now, my friends are playing cards.

16. Today, we are going to eat at the restaurant of the hotel

17. Are you having fun at home?

18. Write my back soon and tell me the news.