tot ce stiti din poza, va rog (am toate exercițiile tema, deci daca ma puteti ajuta la tot ar fi perfect)

1. Semi-detached
Teracced houses
3 a) 1.had told , had finished
2. Have read, became
3. Had brought, had decided
4. Had licked, had remembered
5. Had performed, had delivered
b) 1.crying, found out
2.have your friends, stood, begun
3.had decorated, stood
4. Hi Aaron,
So, we're planning on organising a gouse party and we are inviting you. The party isn't something big, just some friends from school and some guys and a gal from Scotland. This is a casual party so no formal wear or costumes. The party is at my place, if you didn't figure that out already. If you don't know where where it is, it's apartment 69 in State Skyscraper.
See you at the party, Chad