
Răspundeți la cele doua întrebări! Dau coronița răspunsului corect ! Mulțumesc mult și apreciez ajutorul vostru ​

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Răspuns :

1. Of course there is a connection between music and clothes. Some people tend to dress like the music they listen to. If the music is sad, melancholy, then they tend to dress in dark colors. If the music is happy then of course there will be light colored clothes

2. Of course, through clothing people can convey both feelings and attitudes. Their clothes represent them, which makes them confident but still strange at times. As I said before, through the colors of the clothes they can convey happiness or anger, but they can also through the style with which they wear these clothes. For example, if you wear a simple dress, you are categorized as a kind person, but if you wear a short top people can categorize you in different negative names


Yes, there's a connection between music and clothes, for example you can't go to a concert without proper clothes.

Of course clothes that people usually wear are the expression of their feelings towards life because they are a statement of how they feel and how they think.

Vivid colored clothes express obtimism, dark clothes usually for pessimistic people.