
Cine poate traduce va rog mult!
1.Desi erau considerati barbari,vikingi erau oameni foarte curati si îngrijiți prin comparatie cu alte persoane.
2.Navele vikingilor erau destul de mari pentru acea vreme,avand capacitati de pana la 60 de oameni.
3.Vikingi isi confectionau veșmintele din piei si blanuri de animale, nasturi nu fusesera inca inventati ,asa ca erau folosite agrafe si brose.Majoritatea încălțămintei era confectionata din piele de capra.
Dau coroana​

Răspuns :


1.Although they were considered barbarians, the Vikings were very clean and caring people compared to other people.

2.Viking ships were quite large at the time, with capacities of up to 60 people.

3.Vikings made their clothes from animal skins and furs, buttons had not yet been invented, so clips and brooches were used. Most of the shoes were made of goatskin.

1. despite being considered barbaric, the vikings were very clean people compared to others
2. the vikings ships were pretty big at that time, having the capacity of 60 people
3. the vikings would make their clothes out of animal skin and fur, the buttons haven't been invented yet, so they used clips and brooches. Most of the footwear was made out of goat skin