
Scrie o compunere cu titlul "When I was a Child" folosind verbele used to și would. Cel puțin 10 rânduri. Ajutați-mă vă rog! ​

Răspuns :


When I was a child I used to play outside for hours with my friends. My parents would begin to worry whenever I wouldn't be home by 9 pm, especially during the cold seasons. I would run around without a care in the world, because I was so small and naive. I would climb trees, without thinking about the consequences. I would always get home with scratches and bruises on my arms and legs. I would make friends easily, with any child in the park, only to not see them afterwards. I used play with water guns during summer, and play snow war during winter. I would always be greeted by my mother/father after a long day outside. I would go to bed with only one thought in my mind: "I can't wait for tomorrow!"


Sper ca e bine!