Intrebarile din poza. Dau coroana

1. Thanksgiving in USA is celebrated in 26th of November
2. The first thanksgiving was celebrated in the year 1621
3. The name of Pilgrim's ship was Mayflower
4. Native Americans helped Pilgrims by teaching the Pilgrims how to plant corn, where to fish and where to hunt beaver.
5. So they can be grateful of what they have
6. To maintain the relationship with their family's
7. People celebrate thanksgiving mostly with their family's nowadays.
8. Most Thanksgiving meals feature turkey as the main dish
9. mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes
10. the most popular dessert on thanksgiving is Pumpkin pie
11. I'm full / I'm stuffed
12. You can call it a nap
13. They usually sleep