
Match the feelings from the box with definitions 1-6.
bored confident disappointed
embarrassed grateful nervous
1 feeling or showing thanks grateful
2 unhappy because something wasn't as good as you
hoped, or didn't happen
3 worried about something that will or might happen
4 sure that you can do something well
5 feeling ashamed or shy
6 unhappy because something isn't interesting or
you've got nothing to do

Răspuns :


1. bored - 6 unhappy because something isn't interesting or you've got nothing to do (plictisit - nefericit deoarece ceva nu este interesant sau nu ai nimic de făcut)

confident - 4 sure that you can do something well (increzator, increzator pe sine-self confident, sigur ca poti face ceva bine) *good=bun (adjectiv); well=bine(adverb)-inseamna acelasi lucru

disappointed - 2 unhappy because something wasn't as good as you

hoped, or didn't happen (dezamagit - deoarece ceva nu era la fel de bun ca si cum te asteptai/sperai sau nu s-a întâmplat deloc acel ceva la care sperai)

embarrassed - 5 feeling ashamed or shy (jenat - simtindu-se rusinat sau timid) *in general dupa o conversatie mai neplacuta, sau un eveniment neplacut

grateful - 1 feeling or showing thanks grateful (recunoscator - o emotie, un sentiment sau aratand multumiri de recunostinta) *in general esti recunoscator pentru masa, ca este o noua zi

nervous - 3 worried about something that will or might happen (nervos*nu in sensul de enervat - ingrijorat de ceva care se va intampla sau s-ar putea intampla) *cand urmeaza sa mergi pe scena, sa te asculte din ce ai invatat, etc.