
Cine imi traduce repede aceasta scriosoare in engleza?
"Draga doamna director ,
Va scriu aceasta scrisoare pentru a va anunta despre petrecerea surpriza pe care dorim sa o organizam pentru doamna diriginta ......Este o femeie minunata care este ca o mama pentru noi si care ne este alaturi mereu .Dorim cu ocazia zilei ei de nastere sa o organizam o petrecere surpriza pentru a o face fericita .Am fi foarte fericiti daca ati putea si dumneavoastra sa participati.Sunt sigura ca se va bucura daca ve-ti fi prezenta.
Petrecerea surpriza va avea loc in sala festiva a scolii pe data de 14 decembrie si va incepe la ora 4pm.Eu si colegii mei ne ocupam de decoratiuni ,de invitati si de mancare.Va fi un bufet suedez .Vom fi prezenti toti copii din clasa,unii profesori si sotul ei.O sa ne ascundem toti si cand va intra o vom intampina cu confetii si cu tortul cu lumanari si ii vom canta la multi ani ,iar dupa o sa petrecem iar la sfarsit toti vom da cadourile.
In privanta cadoului puteti sa ii luati ceea ce doriti dumneavoastra.Puteti sa ii luati un ceas, o carte de fizica sau o cana .Eu si colegii i-am luat un buchet mare de trandafiri,un parfum de la Sephora si un hanorac pe care scrie"Cea mai buna diriginta "si pe care sunt scrise numele noastre.Speram sa fie incantata .
Va asteptam cu mult drag la petrecere si doresc sa ma conectati daca ve-ti veni .
Cu mult respect,

Răspuns :

"Dear Madam Director,

I am writing you this letter to let you know about the surprise party we want to organize for the headmistress ...... She is a wonderful woman who is like a mother to us and who is always with us. We wish her a happy birthday. birth to organize a surprise party to make her happy. We would be very happy if you could also participate. I am sure she will be happy if you are present.

The surprise party will take place in the festive hall of the school on December 14 and will start at 4pm. My colleagues and I take care of the decorations, guests and food. There will be a Swedish buffet. All children in the class will be present. , some teachers and her husband. We will all hide and when she enters we will greet her with confetti and candle cake and we will sing her happy birthday, and then we will spend it again and at the end we will all give the presents.

As for the gift, you can take what you want. You can take a watch, a physics book or a cup. I and my colleagues took a large bouquet of roses, a perfume from Sephora and a sweatshirt that writes "The best teacher" and on which are written our names. We hope she is delighted.

I look forward to seeing you at the party and I want you to connect if you come.




"Dear Madam Director,

I am writing you this letter to let you know about the surprise party we want to organize for the headmistress ...... She is a wonderful woman who is like a mother to us and who is always with us. We wish her a happy birthday. birth to organize a surprise party to make her happy. We would be very happy if you could also participate. I am sure she will be happy if you are present.

The surprise party will take place in the festive hall of the school on December 14 and will start at 4pm. My colleagues and I take care of the decorations, guests and food. There will be a Swedish buffet. All children in the class will be present. , some teachers and her husband. We will all hide and when she enters we will greet her with confetti and candle cake and we will sing her happy birthday, and then we will spend it again and at the end we will all give the presents.

As for the gift, you can take what you want. You can take a watch, a physics book or a cup. I and my colleagues took a large bouquet of roses, a perfume from Sephora and a sweatshirt that writes "The best teacher" and on which are written our names. We hope she is delighted.

I look forward to seeing you at the party and I want you to connect if you come.

