
Scrieți o scurtă compunere de 10 rânduri despre o călătorie care ai avut-o, folosind present perfect și past simple. (in engleză) ​

Răspuns :

when coronavirus was not around, I went on a vacation with my parents (și dacă ai sora sau frate pui “and my sister sau brother”) we stayed in a fancy hotel with 5 stars. It was like a dream that came alive. At 7 am we would serve the lunch. After serving the lunch we would visit every place. The first place we saw was the mall from the city. It was so big! It had like 4 floors... I couldn’t even count them because they were a lot. In that mall we would have every shop. I asked my parents if we can go in my favourite shop... they had like really expensive clothing but well since my birthday was coming my parents decided to buy me a shirt for my birthday. After that my mother bought some items for our house. It was a beautiful experience