
Project time!
You will work in groups of four on a project that will be great fun! Think about the most important
moments in your life. Make notes about the memories you think of. You will later include some of this
information in your lifeline.
You will:
talk about important moments in your life,
choose stories, photos, objects and drawings that represent important moments in your life
make a poster to illustrate your memories;
present the poster to your classmates;
play all the posters in a class exhibition
ask and answer questions about the posters,
compare the posters,
choose the most impressive poster. Dau coroana! ​

Răspuns :


trebuie sa iei poze si sa scrii despre cele mai importante momente din viata ta. lipeste-le pe un poster( mai multe hartii lipite) si prezinta-le in clasa. raspunde la intrebarile pe care colegii trebuie sa ti le puna.