
ajutați mă vă rog. eseu pa tema "a difficult child is a child who is unhappy"​

Răspuns :


a child who is unhappy has certain reasons sometimes known only to him and no one else most of the time a child will be sad when there are frequent quarrels in the family and he is always in the middle of those quarrels and feels very happy another reason sad is that maybe he wants a certain thing a toy a coat or anything else the child sees in his colleagues that they have expensive or higher quality things and it is sad that he will not have such a thing and another reason could be colleagues who offends him physically or verbally abuses in conclusion a child should be helped supported to get over any trouble through dialogue communication is the most important thing.


daca ai nevoie las si varianta in romana aici ..... un copil care este nefericit are anumite motive uneori stiute numai de el si nimeni altcineva de cele mai multe ori un copil va fi trist cand exista certuri fregvente in familie si el este la mijloc mereu in accele certuri si se simte foarte binovat un alt motiv de triste este accela ca poate isi doreste un anumit lucru o jucarie o haina sau orice altceva copilul vede la colegi lui ca au lucruri scumpe sau mai de calitate si este trist ca nu va avea si el asa ceva iar un alt motiv ar putea fi chiar colegi lui care il jignesc agreseaza fizic sau verbal in concluzie un copil trebuie ajutat sprijinit sa treaca peste orice supare prin intermediul dialogului comunicarea este cel mai importat lucru