
My family has got a farm in the north of England. I haven't
got a pet like a hamster or a budgie but we've got lots
of animals! What animals have we got on our farm?
We've got cows and sheep and we've also got ducks and
= chickens. Jock and Shep are two very important animals
on our farm. They're our sheepdogs. They're black and
white and they're very intelligent. At the moment, this
lamb is my pet because she hasn't got a mother!
She's only one week old! Kirsty, 13 De tradus​

Răspuns :


Familia mea detine o ferma in nordul Angliei . Nu am un animal de companie ca de exemplu un hamster sau un papagal dar avem o multime de animale . Ce animale avem la ferma noastra ? Avem vaci si oi si de asemenea avem rate si gaini . Jack si Shep sunt doua animale importante in ferma noastra . Ei sunt cainii care pazesc oile ( caini de intors oile ) .Ei sunt negri si albi si sunt foarte inteligenti . Acum ( in acest moment ) acest miel ( aceasta mica oita ) este animalul meu de companie pentru ca nu are o mama . Ea are doar o luna de zile ! Kirsty 13 ( probabil aceasta poveste a spus-o Kirsty , care are 13 ani ) .
