
1.Read this email from English-speaking friend. Then answer the questions.

1)How does Kylie feel about her new class?
2)what does Kylie think of Luca and WHY?
3)does Kylie think you've got lesa school work than her?
4)does Kylie spend more or less time at school this year compared to last year?
5)what subjext does she get a lot of homework for?

2.Underline sentences in the email where Kylie writes about these thing. What does she use in the sentences you underlined ? Why does she use it?

a)asks how you feel about your New school
b) talk about Luca's father
c) compares school this year to last year
d)talk about the amount of homework this year

!!!!DAU COROANA!!!!!! ​

1Read This Email From Englishspeaking Friend Then Answer The Questions1How Does Kylie Feel About Her New Class 2what Does Kylie Think Of Luca And WHY 3does Kyli class=