
Puteti sa imi faceti o compunere si sa ne inspiram din aceasta pagina? VA ROOGG!!!!!​ In engleza Va dau coroana

Puteti Sa Imi Faceti O Compunere Si Sa Ne Inspiram Din Aceasta Pagina VA ROOGG In Engleza Va Dau Coroana class=

Răspuns :

Fish from the sea

A long time ago, a goldfish lived in a sea in the UK, he was not very sociable with the other fish and the other creations of the sea. A man named Jack Danielle was swimming in that sea, when two meters away he saw something shiny, there was a goldfish, he took it home and put it in a vase. The next day he rushed to work without making his bed, when he came back he found the house clean and wondered who would come in her house. The next day the same thing happened. The third day he stood by the panda around the corner of the house to stop who's cleaning them. She saw a princess with golden hair coming out of the fish and cleaning her, then on the spot she went to her and took her to the wife. They lived happily ever after.

Sper ca te am ajutat nu e chiar ca in imagine dar e legat de mare. Succes!