
Write 2 sentences with MAKE and 2 with DO

Răspuns :


She is making a new recipe for her mother.

We make coffee every morning.

Are you sure that you are making the right cake?

What did you do last weekend?

I am doing a course on a new subject.

My mother is doing well at her new workingplace.


Folosim make când vrem să exprimăm faptul că noi construim/creăm ceva, precum în exemplul „We make coffee(...)”, „Noi facem cafea(...)”.

Pe de altă parte, do este folosit când ne referim la activități -> „I am doing a course (...)”, „Eu fac un curs (...)”. Aici activitatea e faptul că iau un nou curs, deci fac face.

Grandma is teaching me how to make bread.

James makes the best cake.

I have to do my homework.

She has to do something very funny.