
De conjugat la timpul prezent continuu verbele ,, To Sleep"" și ,,To Go"".
La toate cele trei forme:
afirmativ, negativ și interogativ, ​

Răspuns :


to sleep


I am sleeping I`m sleeping.eu dorm.you are sleeping you`re sleeping.tu dormi.he/she/it is sleeping he/she/it`s sleeping.el/ea doarme.we are sleeping we`re sleeping.noi dormim.you are sleeping you`re sleeping.voi dormiţi.they are sleeping they`re sleeping.ei/ele dorm


I am not sleeping I aren`t sleeping.eu nu dorm.you are not sleeping you aren`t sleeping.tu nu dormi.he/she/it is not sleeping he/she/it isn`t sleeping.el/ea nu doarme.we are not sleeping we aren`t sleeping.noi nu dormim.you are not sleeping you aren`t sleeping.voi nu dormiţi.they are not sleeping they aren`t sleeping.ei/ele nu dorm.


am I sleeping?dorm eu?are you sleeping?dormi tu?is he/she/it sleeping?doarme el/ea?are we sleeping?dormim noi?are you sleeping?dormiţi voi?are they sleeping?dorm ei/ele?

to go:


I am going I`m going.eu merg.you are going you`re going.tu mergi.he/she/it is going he/she/it`s going.el/ea merge.we are going we`re going.noi mergem.you are going you`re going.voi mergeţi.they are going they`re going.ei/ele merg.


I am not going I aren`t going.eu nu merg.you are not going you aren`t going.tu nu mergi.he/she/it is not going he/she/it isn`t going.el/ea nu merge.we are not going we aren`t going.noi nu mergem.you are not going you aren`t going.voi nu mergeţi.they are not going they aren`t going.ei/ele nu merg.


am I going?merg eu?are you going?mergi tu?is he/she/it going?merge el/ea?are we going?mergem noi?are you going?mergeţi voi?are they going?merg ei/ele?




I am sleeping

You are sleeping

He is sleeping

She is sleeping

It is sleeping

we are sleeping

you are sleeping

they are sleeping


I'm not sleeping

You're not sleeping

He's not sleeping

She's not sleeping

It is not sleeping

We are not sleeping

You are not sleeping

They are not sleeping


Am I sleeping?

Are you sleeping?

Is he sleeping?

Is she sleeping?

Is it sleeping?

Are we sleeping?

Are you sleeping?

Are they sleeping?

To go:


I am going

You are going

He is going

She is going

It is going

We are going

You are going

They are going


I am not going

You are not going

He is not going

She is not going

It is not going

We are not going

You are not going

They are not going


Am I going?

Are you going?

Is he going?

Is she going?

Is it going?

Are we going?

Are you going?

Are they going?