
traduce textul :Derek Redmond
was Games in
I semi-final
of the aca metres. The sun was Shining and the
crowd were ready for a great race. The British athlete Derek
Redmond was a top runner: he had a very good chance of
winning a medal.
The race began. At first, Derek was running well. Then,
after about 150 metres, he felt a pain in his leg. He fell down.
He had a bad injury and couldn't carry on. The other runners
went past him and finished the race.
After about five seconds, Derek got up and started to run
again, on one leg only. The crowd stood up and started to clap.
Derek's father, Jim, came onto the track, put his arm around
him and said, 'Derek, you don't have to do this.' Derek replied,
'Yes I do. I have to finish.' And so together they walked the last
50 metres and crossed the line.​

Răspuns :

Răspuns: Derek Redmond a fost in semifinala jocurilor Aca Metres.

Soarele stralucea, iar multimea era gata pentru o cursa excelenta. Atletul britanic Derek Redmond a fost un alergator bun: a avut multe sanse sa castige o medalie.

A inceput cursa. La inceput, Derek alerga bine. Apoi, dupa aproximativ 150 de metri, a simtit o durere in piciorul lui. a cazut. S-a ranit grav si nu a mai putut continua. Ceilalti alergatori au trecut pe langa el si au terminat cursa. Dupa aproximativ 5 secunde, Derek s-a ridicat in picioare si a inceput sa alerge din nou, dar doar intr-un picior. Multimea s-a ridicat si a inceput sa il aplaude. Tatal lui Derek, Jim, a venit la el, si-a pus mana sa il sprijine si i-a zis "Derek, nu trebuie sa faci asta" iar Derek a raspuns "Ba da, trebuie sa o fac. trebuie sa termin cursa." Si asa, au mers amandoi ultimii 50 de metri si au trecut de linie.

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