
Not all creatures in Narnia are good, though
Minotaurs are enemies of Aslan. They are
quite frightening creatures, with the body of
a human, but the head of a bull. Minotaurs
are stronger than the other animals in Narnia
Another terrifying enemy of Aslan is the
talking wolf, Maugrim. As the leader of the
wolves in Narnia, Maugrim can be extremely

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Răspuns :


Nu toate creaturile in Narnia sunt bune, desi minotaurii sunt inamici de leu. Ei sunt monstrii destul de infricosatori, cu corpul unui om, dar capul unui taur. Minotaurii sunt mai puternici ca celelalte animale in Narnia. Alt inamic infricosator de leu este lupul care vorbeste. Maugrim. Ca liderul lupilor in Narnia, Maugrim poate fi extrem de periculos.
